Mobile App Steps
Welcome. We were able to take the steps below on behalf of ministries. However, Google and Apple changed their policy and require each ministry to make the initial steps. After you complete everything in Section A, we'll build the App quickly and get it published.
A. You will get these items - in the order below - if you have any problems, contact us.
1. For your ministry, get an Apple ID and Google ID - there is no cost for this.
Apple ID:
Google ID:
2. If you do not have one, get a Dunn and Bradstreet/DUNs number.
The App Stores use this to verify that you actually exist.
They are designed for businesses, so understand their terminology and relate it the best you can to your ministry.
You may have to wait a day or two to get the number, and they may call you.
You will see they are looking for this information:
Business legal name
Business registration documentation - your Tax ID
Name of owner or CEO - just enter the primary leader/pastor here
Type of business
Year the business began operations
Headquarter address and mailing address
Primary contact information
Number of employees
Fill out the form at:
3. Apple Developer Account - free for non-profits and churches
This step requires two-step authentication and may contact Apple Help for exact steps for your device.
It's different for each device.
Here's the link for Apple to waive the fee if you need it:
*** Important: at the end of the process, Apple may make a phone call to you.
In that phone call, tell them that you want John Honeycutt with email address [email protected]
given permission to access the account. They will relate their current policy for this.
4. Get a Google Developer Account - It has been at no cost, but they may charge a one time fee for life of $25
That's it. We'll take it from there.
After you have items in number one completed, send me a message, and we’ll take the next steps.
We will…
a. Create the Initial Design at no charge and ask for your review.
b. Submit the App to the Google Play and Apple App Stores
We will work with those stores to satisfy any requests they have or changes they want until the App is approved.
c. Once you are active in the App Stores, the monthly hosting will begin.
We will train anyone in your ministry
You can get our help at any time for any updates or changes
Here are the major sections you can have in your App:
Prayer Requests
Register for Event
Online Giving/Payment
Audio Sermons/ Messages
Video Sermons/ Messages
Your Video Live Stream
Photo Gallery with captions
Events Calendar
Interactive Map to your church/location
One-Touch calling
One-Touch email
Question and Answer Section
Connect to Website
Connect Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
Here’s the service you receive for the App:
Apple and Android compatibility
Push Notifications and alerts
Mobile optimized content pages
Splash Screen for loading
Statistics and analytics
We’ll submit your App to the Apple app store and the Google Play store
It’s simple to update your content, sermons, calendar, and galleries!